mercredi 29 avril 2009

Stop !!!! My last post

Sunday, i had post a dj mix of remixes & covers of Depeche Mode... by artist such as Da Fresh, M.Mayer, R.Villalobos, Rex The Dog, Dave Clarke....

Monday, it was erased by Google for violation of the copyight
where is the problem with a dj mix ???
the tracks aren't given away...

Dimanche, j'ai poste un mix de Depeche Mode...

Lundi, Google l'avais efface pour viol des lois du copyright
quel est le probleme avec 1 mix ????
si je le passe a la radio pas de souci mais sur 1 blog!!!!

here are my last prepared records
voici mes dernier disque prepare


mardi 28 avril 2009

Anthony Rother - When The Sun Goes Down (UR Mixes) - 2008

Label : Datapunk
Ref. : DTP 035
Year : 2008
Composer : Anthony Rother
Support : 12"
Size : 26 Mo

Mixes of Anthony Rother by the Mythic Underground Resistance Team

Remix de Rother par les Mythiques Underground Resistance

Tracklist :
A - When The Sun Goes Down - Underground Resistance Ain't No Sunshine Remix by Bilebob - 6'26 - 133.65 bpm
B - When The Sun Goes Down - Underground Resistance Flash Light Remix by Mark Flash - 5'44 - 131.54 bpm

lundi 27 avril 2009

Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet About Me (Herbert Promo Mixes) - 2008

Label : Island
Ref. : GABPRO 1
Year : 2008
Composer : Gabriella Cilmi
Support : 10"
Size : 27 Mo

Massive hit of last summer release early '08
here with Matthew Herbert Versions...

Tube de l'ete, sorti en Janver 2008
ici avec les versions de Matthew Herbert

Tracklist :
A - Sweet About Me - Herbert Savoury Mix - 6'30 - 123.81 bpm
B - Sweet About Me - Herbert Savoury Instrumental - 6'08 - 123.81 bpm

samedi 25 avril 2009

Depeche Mode Week - DM2 White Label - 2007

Label : White Label
Ref. : DM 2
Year : 2007
Composer : Martin L. Gore
Support : 12"
Size : 25,1 Mo

White label unidentified with 2 mixes

2 mix sur 1 White non identifier

Tracklist :
A - Waiting For The Night Rmx - 6'07 - 125.81 bpm
B - Little 15 Rmx - 5'41 - 127.81 bpm

vendredi 24 avril 2009

Depeche Mode Week - Dave Gahan - White Label - 2008

Label : White Label
Ref. : DGM 032
Year : 2008
Composer : Dave Gahan / Martin L. Gore
Support : 12"
Size : 50 Mo

White Label with 3 mixes of Depeche Mode & Dave Gahan

3 mix de Depeche Mode & Dave Gahan sur 1 White Label

Tracklist :
A - Saw Something - Onur Ozer Rmx - 10'19 - 128 bpm
B1 - Lilian - Pantha Du Prince Remix - 6'30 - 130 bpm
B2 - Unidentified Rmx - 6'43 - 126 bpm

jeudi 23 avril 2009

Depeche Mode Week - Tiga vs DMode - I Feel Loved Without My Sunglasses (Bootleg)

Label : White Label
Ref. : SEX 2
Year : ????
Composer : Tiga / Jori Hulkkonen / Martin L. Gore
Support : 12"
Size : 33,9 Mo

Bootleg of Tiga's smash hit "Sunglasses At Night" &
Depeche Mode's "I Feel Loved"

Bootleg du tube de Tiga "Sunglasses At Night" &
de Depeche Mode "I Feel Loved"

Tracklist :
A - I Feel Loved Without My Sunglasses - 7'44 - 126.8 bpm
B - I Feel Loved Without My Sunglasses - Proper Dub - 7'13 - 126.8 bpm

mercredi 22 avril 2009

Depeche Mode Week - Depeche Mode - John The Revelator (LTD 7" Picture) - 2006

Label : VenusNote LTD
Ref. : BONG 38
Year : 2006
Composer : Martin L. Gore
Support : 7" Picture
Size : 21,3 Mo

"John The Revelator" vs "Lilian"
what the fucking dilemma !!!!
both side are interesting

2 excellentes faces
le dilemme ! :
"John The Revelator" vs " Lilian"

Tracklist :
A - John The Revelator - Unkle Dub - 5'42 - 129.80 bpm
B - Lilian - Robag Wruhme Slomoschen Kikker - 3'36 - 129.78 bpm

lundi 20 avril 2009

Depeche Mode Week - Depeche Mode - Precious (LTD 7" Picture) - 2006

Label : VenusNote LTD
Ref. : BONG 35
Year : 2006
Composer : Martin L. Gore
Support : 7" Picture
Size : 16,6 Mo

First extract from "Playing The Angel"
with a great chillout mix by M.Mayer from Kompakt Records

Premier extrait de "Playing The Angel"
avec 1 remix lounge par M.Mayer

Tracklist :
A - Precious - Album Version - 4'03 - 104.64 bpm
B - Precious - Michael Mayer Ambient Mix - 3'43 - 121.27 bpm

Depeche Mode Week - 20.04.2009 >>> 26.04.2009

This week is the week of the 12th Depeche Mode's LP
"Sounds Of The Universe"
so this week will be a special Depeche Mode
with some LTD Edition 7" & white labels
Enjoy !!!!

Cette semaine c'est la sortie du 12eme album de Depeche Mode
"Sounds Of The Universe"
Donc cette semaine sera dediee a Depeche Mode
avec des 7" collector et des white label


dimanche 19 avril 2009

The 3rd Sunday Post - Nippo - The Minimal Side - 12.2008

Label : Unsigned
Ref. : Minimal 12.2008
Year : 2008
Mix Time : 75'34
Tempo : 125 bpm >> 127 bpm
Support : Cd-R
Size : 256,9 (tracks) + 103,9 (mix) Mo

Here is a dj Mix recorded on Ableton Live 7 for X-Mas 08
a minimal journey with some revisited classics, some news
& some floorfillers

Voici 1 mix enregistre avec Ableton Live 7 pour Noel 2008
un voyage minimal avec des remixes de classiques, des news
et du tube

Tracklist :

Due to the nature of the mix, tracks may begin earlier or later than listed.

01 - Jaydee - Plastic Dreams - Audion Can't Go Home Mix - 12'45 - 125 bpm - R&S - RS0804
02 - Tiga & Zyntherius - Sunglasses At Night - Konrad Black Remix - 8'17 - 123.57 bpm - Turbo - TURBO 050b
03 - Shlomi Aber - Tel Aviv Garden - Group Therapy Mix - 10'59 - 125.16 bpm - Audio Therapy - AT 034
04 - Foremost Poets - Moon-Raker 2008 - Spencer Parker A Gun For Hire Remix - 7'14 - 126.16 bpm - NRK - NRK 145
05 - Marc Romboy vs Blake Baxter - The Club - Version 2 - 8'30 - 124.84 bpm - Systematic - SYST 0028-6
06 - Monika Kruse - Morgana - 7'34 - 127.64 bpm - Terminal M - TERM 058-6
07 - Agoria feat. Scalde - Dust - Rocco Vision Mix - 8'51 - 123.82 bpm - Different - DIFF 1203 T
08 - Scan X - Prism - Alexkid Remix - 8'57 -125 bpm - Harthouse Mannheim - HHMA 022-6
09 - Underworld - Beautiful Burnout - Tiefschwarz Remix - 9'12 - 130 bpm - Different - DIFB 1087 TR
10 - Green Velvet - Help Me - 10'21 - 122 bpm - Music Man Records - MMLP 005
11 - Dave Gahan - Saw Something - Onur Ozer Remix - 5'06 - 128 bpm - Mute Records - LSTUMM 288
12 - Scan X - Midnight - Laurent Garnier Edit Special Trax Edit - 4'51 - 127 bpm - Skryptom - KRYPT 003
13 - Trentemoller feat. Ane Troll - Moan - RadioSlave's Mix For "K" - 11'21 - 124 bpm - Cd-R

samedi 18 avril 2009

Ralphi Rosario - Take Me Up - 2003

Label : Airplay
Ref. : 019 817-1
Year : 2003
Composer : Ralphi Rosario
Support : 12"
Size : 25,6 Mo

Everything is in the title
House main room by the king Ralphi

Tout est dis dans le titre
House main room par le roi Ralphi

Tracklist :
A - Take Me Up - Lego's Vox Mix - 6'24 - 122.82 bpm
B - Take Me Up - Jeff Deep Mix - 5'31 - 129.79 bpm

vendredi 17 avril 2009

Steve Angello - Voices - 2004

Label : Size Records
Ref. : SIZE 006
Year : 2004
Composer : Steve Angello
Support : 12"
Size : 45 Mo

The Swedish House Mafia before it was called like that
S.Angello with some guitar

The Swedish House Mafia avant que l'on ne l'appelle ainsi
S.Angello & 1 guitare

Tracklist :
A1 - Voices - Original Mix - 7'57 - 129 bpm
A2 - Voices - Laidback Luke's "Ready To Pop" Remix - 5'41 - 129 bpm
B - Voices - Eric Prydz Remix - 7'31 - 129 bpm

jeudi 16 avril 2009

Joachim Garraud - Rock The Choice - 2005

Label : F**k Me I'm Famous Records
Ref. : FMIFR 006
Year : 2005
Composer : Joachim Garraud
Support : 12"
Size : 59 Mo

The man behind D.Guetta
here in a rockin track

L'homme de l'ombre de D.Guetta
ici pour 1 titre Rock'n'Roll

Tracklist :
A1 - Rock The Choice - Joachim Garraud & David Guetta Rmx - 7'50 - 135 bpm
A2 - Rock The Choice - Lifelike Rmx - 4'26 - 128.93 bpm
B1 - Rock The Choice - Sebastian Ingrosso Rmx - 6'52 - 128 bpm
B2 - Rock The Choice - Oliver Twin Rmx - 6'52 - 132 bpm

mercredi 15 avril 2009

Sting & The Police - Roxanne 97 - 1997

Label : A&M Records
Ref. : 582 455-1
Year : 1997
Composer : The Police / Nigel Gray
Support : 12"
Size : 52,3 Mo

Relecture of the Police's Classic "Roxanne" by Puff Daddy
& 3 versions by Roger Sanchez of "Walking On The Moon"
People still dance on this huge house

Relecture par Puff Daddy de "Roxanne"
& par Roger Sanchez de "Walking On The Moon"
Toujours aussi efficace

Tracklist :
A1 - Roxanne '97 - Puff Daddy Remix - 4'31 - 97.68 bpm
A2 - Walking On The Moon - Roger Sanchez EVA Mix - 5'56 - 145.81 bpm
B1 - Walking On The Moon - Roger Sanchez Dark Side Of The Moon Mix - 7'54 - 126.61 bpm
B2 - Walking On The Moon - Roger Sanchez Darkside Of The Dub - 6'16 - 126.59 bpm

mardi 14 avril 2009

Manu Le Malin - Bloc 46 006 - 1999

Label : Bloc 46
Ref. : 006
Year : 1999
Composer : Emmanuel Dauchez
Support : 12"
Size : 56,9 Mo

Manu Le Malin, the most famous hardcore Dj from France
Head of 46 records
It's dark & freacky

MLM, le Dj hardcore le plus connu de France
Patron de 46 records
c'est dark, glauque, moite....

Tracklist :
A - Ghost Train - 11'32 - 140 bpm
B1 - On The Way Home - 7'47 - 155.61 bpm
B2 - Dead Lock - 5'51 - 145.75 bpm

lundi 13 avril 2009

Gui Boratto - Like You - 2006

Label : Kompakt Pop
Year : 2006
Composer : Gui Boratto / Luciana Vilanova
Support : 12"
Size : 33 Mo

One of my favourite track of the man from Sao Paulo
Miss Boratto on the lead Vocal
Enjoy the remix of SuperMayer aka M.Mayer + Superpitcher

L'un de mes titrs favori de l'homme de Sao Paulo
Madame Boratto au chant
Le Remix de SuperMayer est particulièrement bon

Tracklist :
A - Like You - Original Mix - 7'54 - 125.81 bpm
B - Like You - SuperMayer Mix - 7'34 - 125.8 bpm

dimanche 12 avril 2009

Futuria 97 - 1997

Label : Sony S3
Ref. : S3 487 885-1
Year : 1997
Composer : Various
Support : 3 x 12"
Size : 173,6 Mo

Compilation of the most exciting tracks of 96-97

Compilation de morceaux phares de 96-97

Tracklist :
A1 - Takkyu Ishino - I Tough 3, But We're 4 In Fact - Hamburger Mix - 6'52 - 138 bpm
A2 - Technical Support - Tigger Static - 7'23 - 161.21 bpm
B1 - Robert Leiner - Zyklus - Part 2 - 5'32 - 139.82 bpm
B2 - The Hacker - Octave 2 - 6'15 - 141.39 bpm
C1 - Ken Ishii - Extra - Luke Slater Remix - 6'21 - 130.88 bpm
C2 - Damon Wild - Threshold - 4'46 - 140 bpm
D1 - Lady B - The Groove Is Going - Evolutive Hard House Mix - 7'49 - 129.88 bpm
D2 - Freddy J - Traboul - 6'15 - 143.13 bpm
E1 - Paton - Electro Bubbles (And You, And You) - 4'24 - 130 bpm
E2 - Anxious - Phungus 2 - 4'58 - 147 bpm
E3 - Miss Kittin & The Hacker - Vaudeville - 4'30 - 124.84 bpm
F1 - Garfield - Carbon - 6'10 - 145.84 bpm
F2 - X.M.F. - Grave - 5'20 - 171.8 bpm

samedi 11 avril 2009

Philippe B. - I Want You - 2002

Label : Electron
Ref. : ELECTRON 001
Year : 2002
Composer : Philippe B.
Support : 12"
Size : 28.4 Mo

Philippe B. or the little guy who grows up

Philippe B. ou le p'tit gars qui monte

Tracklist :
A - I Want You - Electro 80 Mix - 6'55 - 126.80 bpm
B - I Want You - Housy Mix - 6'25 - 126.80 bpm

vendredi 10 avril 2009

Blackstrobe - Deceive/Play - 2005

Label : White Label
Ref. : B 001
Year : 2005
Composer : Arnaud Rebotini / Ivan Smagghe
Support : 12"
Size : 52,2 Mo

Arnaud Rebotini & Ivan Smagghe aka Blackstrobe
here for some electro sounds

Arnaud Rebotini & Ivan Smagghe aka Blackstrobe
pour 1 excercice electro avec l'excellent "Nazi Trance Fucker"

Tracklist :
A1 - Deceive / Play - 6'30 - 128 bpm
A2 - Deceive / Play - Instrumental - 6'15 - 128 bpm
B - Nazi Trance Fucker - 10'17 - 134 bpm

jeudi 9 avril 2009

Rhythm Republic vs Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body (Soul Avengerz Mixes) - 2006

Label : Sound Division
Ref. : SD 0167
Year : 2006
Composer : Marshall Jefferson / Mitch Taylor
Support : 12"
Size : 37,3 Mo

Anthem of Marshall Jefferson
here in mixes by Soul Avengerz
House floorfiller

Tube de Marshall Jeferson
en version house mega tube par Soul Avengerz

Tracklist :
A - Move Your Body - Soul Avengerz Club Mix - 7'56 - 127 bpm
B - Move Your Body - Soul Avengerz Dub Mix - 9'37 - 127 bpm

mercredi 8 avril 2009

David Morales presents The Face - Needin U II - 2001

Label : Club Tools
Ref. : 6 125 140 CLU
Year : 2001
Composer : D.Morales / P.Hurtt / R.DiCicco / Poku / J.Roberts
Support : 12"
Size : 61,2 Mo

Huge anthem of 1998 in ibiza
reworked in 2001

Tube de 1998 à Ibiza
Revu en 2001

Tracklist :
A1 - Needin U2 - 2001 Main Anthem Dub - 9'55 - 129.95 bpm
A2 - Needin U2 - Need A Dub - 5'41 - 130 bpm
B - Needin U2 - Soul On Soul Mix - 11'00 - 129.95 bpm

mardi 7 avril 2009

Jam & Spoon - Set Me Free - 2004

Label : White Label
Ref. : J+S 0001
Year : 2004
Composer : Jam & Spoon
Support : 12"
Size : 32 Mo

One of my favourite J&S track with a slice of guitar & some vocals by  Rea
Mark Spoon isn't anymore, RIP

Un de mes J&S favori avec de la guitare et la voix de Rea
Mark Spoon est decede...

Tracklist :
A1 - Set Me Free - Kid Alex Full Version - 5'57 - 127.78 bpm
A2 - Set Me Free - Sono's Xstatic Trigger - 8'15 - 124.80 bpm

lundi 6 avril 2009

Thomas Schumacher - When I Rock - 1997

Label : Bush Records
Ref. : BUSH 1050
Year : 1997
Composer : Thomas Schumacher
Support : 12"
Size : 31 Mo

"When I Rock" is this kind of records that you can't quit,
you must have this uge floorfiller
Thomas Schumacher from germany, nothing in common with Michael...

"When I Rock" est ce genre de disque dont tu ne peut te debarrasser
comme une kalashnikov dans le coffr d'un serbe....
Thomas Schumacher n'a rien a voir avec Michael

Tracklist :
A - When I Rock - 7'03 - 138 bpm
B - Respekt - 6'42 - 121.43 bpm